Tears of a lover

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What has happened to me? What has happened to an energetic, cheerful boy that has turned him to a quiet, sad, desperate one?

Some weeks ago everything was o.k. I was happy and all the time joking with others about different things, but in a moment everything changed. My heart stopped beating for a second or two. I felt cold and my eyes couldn't return from the direction they had gone into a second before. After this lovely moment everything changed. Now I can't laugh anymore. I just pretend to be laughing. I'm all the time crying and I have no power over it and I can't stop that. My tears smoothly slip down my cheeks fondling my face. I'm all the time worried about the fact that someone would see my tears so I try to hide my eyes behind my trembling hands. I can't understand what happened at that beautiful moment; I can't understand whose fault is it that my heart is stolen. Is it my fault? Or is it some one else's fault? Am I guilty for I let my heart be an angel's palace? Or maybe my eyes are guilty for they stared at a pretty angel and couldn't help stopping. Is that pretty angel guilty for stealing my heart? Oh, she didn't steal it .I myself gifted it to her. In fact it was the smallest thing I could do. I think nobody is guilty. I think I'm like a prey that has trapped himself in the predator's trap voluntarily.

Now it's too late to think about whose fault it is and who is guilty. It's time to find the road to the predator's house for the predator doesn't know that her prey is waiting for her to free him from the trap that she has laid. A trap that its noose is the heavenly power of her glassy, beautiful eyes and her brilliant, captivating smile.

persian poet quots:

توی آسمون عشقم غیر تو پرنده ای نیست روی خاموشی لب هام جز تو اسم دیگه ای نیست
توی قلب من عزیزم هیچ کسی جایی نداره دل عاشقم به جز تو هیچ کسی رو دوست نداره

P.S.This is a romantic post which is only the imaginations of the author.It is not real and the things mentioned in the post are not the thoughts or the feelings of the author.


Anonymous said...

"Boro haji, khodeti! Maro chiz nakon!"
You're awesome buddy, awesome!!
Honostly, over my dead body, aren't you in love with sb?!
Any way, great and lovely.
Best of the best.

Behzad Sadeghian said...

فكر نكنم اوستا فرقان پرست مخالفتي با فارسي نوشتن داشته باشه.پس فارسي جواب ميدم:
پسر تو فكر ميكني ملت(بلا نسبت همه)مثل خودمون دو تا اوسكل اند؟ور مي داري يه متنه عشقولانه ي خفن مينيويسي هر چي ميخواي به يار ،كه از تير زلفش خواب و خوراك نداري و به آسمون كه نيگا ميكني به جاي ماه اونو ميبيني،ميگي آخرش يه پي اس ميزني كه فقط تخيلاتمو نوشتمو عاشق نيستمو معشوق ازلي رو ترجيح مي دم؟از من ميشنفي عشق و عاشقي رو بذار كنار.آخر عاقبت نداره.هرچي باشه ما خودمونم (تو دورونه جووني)اينكاره بوديما.خلاصه از ما گفتن بود.راستي از حق نذگريم خيلي قشنگ مي نويسي .دمت تو زمستونا گرم،تو تابستونا سرد.مثل آبسال.

Anonymous said...

Nice imagination!
I think there are some other feelings (besides being in love) that lead a writer to such imaginations. Being in love isn't the only conclusion one can reach after reading your writings :)

Ghazal Zoghi said...

All kidding aside...who is the lucky lady anyway? ;)

Unknown said...

Mojtaba...behzad is right about it...and u know why...
u know why most of the gals r so selfish...
u know why they r blind...cuz they just wanna c the surface of the things...every things of this world...
I know that u know...deep in ur heart, in ur soal and in ur mind...

Shimaa Ariyanpoor said...

Mojtaba you are ruining everything, you have promised me not to reveal it in public honey. At last I will come to you but it was so soon to let everybody know about this matter. Besides, why don't you have enough courage to take responsibility of your love and you have said that these are not your feelings. Don't you love me any more darling? Now that everybody in the faculty is talking about us let them know, why not? We are not doing sth illegal. I think you have started a game but at last what do you want to do?
Your lover,
S Rakkam.

Moji said...

Hello everybody.First,i should thank all of you because of spending your invaluable time to read my post.Second,i should say that i'm really surprised by your posts which show that you are truely interested in love.Third, i want to reply to your comments and questions honestly so i begin:

Ramin,thank you very much.I'm not trying to deceive anybody and i don't have any beloved.

Behzad,thank you my dear friend.I insist on the fact that i'm not in love.By the way your comment was fantastic.

Maryam,thank you very much.Sorry i didn't understand what other feelings you mean.

Ghazal,thank you very much.All kidding aside there is no so-called lucky lady in my heart.

Amin,thank you my dear friend for your useful advice but since i'm not in love,i can't use it.but anyway thank you.

And finally about Shima,i know him.he is one of my close friends who is just kidding.
At last i should truely thank all of you my dear friends because of your fantastic comments and spending your invaluable time reding my post.

Shiva said...

you really got me there for a second!!!!!

it was awesome :D I was so dragged in2 it I might've skipped a couple of lines 2 see who the lucky one was!

Morteza said...


Siso said...

Hi dear,
I know after revealing my idea there would be no guarantee to stay alive, but as Mahdi Shojaii says teenagers are about to fall in love even with the crack of a wall,so don't take it so serious.

the second point is a massage of a professional lover:
راهي است راه عشق كه هيچش كناره نيست /آن جا جز آن‌كه جان بسپارند چاره نيست

Psycologically, you try to conceal a fact; If you were'nt in love, you couldn't write such a nice piece, then Boro khodeto rang kon dadash ma khodemoon bacheh naph-e Aphriqayim.

And ultimatetly: اي گل تو دوش داغ صبوحي كشيده‌اي/ ما آن شقايقيم كه با داغ زاده‌ايم

A lover,