Love Is a Divine Gift

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A breath of wind was blowing in that spectacular Friday morning smoothly fondling my glassy eyes; it was so delicate that reminded me that I wanted to write something. I was so immersed in my thoughts that for a moment I totally forgot what I was there for. I was there-in that heavenly garden with a stunning view of colorful roses that smiled at my state of desperation-to pick up the pen and write something. But that pure and restless thought of the divine gift God has granted us, prevented me from thinking about anything else.

Love is the holiest, the most sophisticated and the most pleasant emotion man has ever been trapped in; the predator that hunts its victims by capturing their hearts; the cold-blooded killer that does not leave the slightest chance for its victims to escape from the trap it has laid for them; the motherly and affectionate nurse that nurses its patients by telling them to be patient and wait for their doctor who will cure their pains and wounds; the thief that steals one's heart and makes him fall. It makes him fall in love. The kind of fall no one can survive. It's like a waterfall that never stops running. The guilty love that becomes fresh again whenever one catches the eye of his beloved; the noble and lovely creature that finally captured me in the war between heart and wisdom, and it will capture everybody; no one can escape.

So now my heart is not mine anymore, but it's hers. The one that I will love till I breathe. The angel who lightened my life by her captivating smile and mesmerizing eyes.

The Persian poet quotes:

"ز دست دیده و دل هر دو فریاد که هرچه دیده بیند دل کند یاد"

P.S: The author is not in love and does not hope to fall in love in the future. This piece of writing is just an exercise for the author to see if he can write romantic pieces or not.


Ghazal Zoghi said...

Maybe!! You're not in love as you say, I've decided to believe that but you've been in love before and that's for sure.
Your piece of writing was beautiful and I enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to read more. By the way, you're totally capable of writing romantic pieces. ;)

Morteza Naghipoor said...

Hi Mojtaba,
You've got a voracious appetite for writing romantic pieces.Let us know more about other cases(preferably love) in which you were trapped.
You're right, "Love cannot be measured by hours in a day."
Best wishes

Morteza said...

What a strange world it is!!!!
How can some body appreciate swimming,while he claims he hasn`t seen water so far?!?!? He can`t ,No he can`t.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mojtaba,
I completely do agree with Ghazal that you were and are in love! My poor Mojtaba, what the f--- has happened to you?! You were so nice and happy before but I see that now you are depressed and don't talk about tennis that much!
Before falling in sh-- love always you were wandering in websies realted to tennis but now you are always reading Shakespears sonnets! You should be cured my dearest friend. [you know how it may be!]
I am going to write you some lines from shakespear with hope that it heal some of your pains.
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O! stay and hear; your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.

Mehdi Norouzi

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that you're not in love with sb?!
Give it a second thought!!
All the best.

Moji said...

Now that you are all interested in love and romantic pieces and insist that i am or i have been in love ( honestly, of two none is correct), i'm proud to inform you that i,ll publish another romantic piece soon!