A Memorable Week

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Last week was a dramatic week for me. First, one of my dreams came to reality after waiting for two years. Since two years ago I was dreaming of becoming a tennis player and all the time one of my thoughts was finding a way to start exercising tennis. For some reasons I had not been able to accomplish this but finally I’m victorious now and I’m exercising as a tennis player. Now whenever I enter the tennis court I feel really fantastic; I feel like I’m a bird flying in the infinite sky.

Second, when I returned to my hometown last week I was informed that we were going to the roof of our house so as the son I had to help. In the three days that I was home I worked hard till twilight and then after taking a shower after a day of hard work I laid down on my bed like a dead body. So you see what interesting and unpredictable life it is! At the end of the week I learned an invaluable lesson: one can never predict what is waiting for him tomorrow. In fact the things that happened to me last week prove this completely; for the first three days of the week I was so energetic and excited and I felt like I was walking on the stars but for the next three days I was tired to death because of the backbreaking work. I think I was like a cell phone flashing all the time alarming about the battery being low. Oh, what a comparison!

Anyway, last week was an interesting and joyful (!) week for me. I wish you all have fantastic and memorable days.


Morteza Naghipoor said...

Wish all your dreams come true. I think victory is near at hand if you practice consistently,but be careful about your coach's advice concerning your "wrist twisting" and "playing ping pong".
Good luck

Moji said...

Thank you very much my dear friend.When I have great friends like you,I'm sure that I can succeed.

Anonymous said...

I hope to see you as the world champion.
It is said:"Strive to thrive."
All the best.

Ghazal Zoghi said...

Do you by any chance go to Enghelab sports complex? If you do who's your instructor? ... good luck anyway ;) welcome to the club. :)

Moji said...

Yes,I go to Enghelab Sport Complex.My instructor is Mr Rezaei.It seems that you are a member as well.Which sport do you play there?

Ghazal Zoghi said...

Yeah I'm a member, I play tennis and I go swimming ;) And I rarely go skating! Tennis is an exciting sport I hope you learn it fast and enjoy it to the utmost. By the way, how often do you play?

Moji said...

I play there three days a week.I'm really surprised that you are a tennis player.

Ghazal Zoghi said...

Why are you surprised? ;)