به سوی آزادی


روزها میگذرند و دلم غمناک است
ازپس پنجره ها به افق می نگرم و به خورشید که بس سوزان است
در دلم باز کسی می گوید قدحی سر کش و از یاد ببر هر چه در طبع جهان بیداد است
من ولی انسانم و درون سینه جایگاهی ست که آن رهگذر جانان است
جایگاهی ست که روزی دل بود و از بهر هر آنچه در جهان می رفت او غافل بود
اما اکنون....آه
من نتوانم که از یاد برم گریه ی مادر را در نبود پسرش
ضجه آن پدری را که در بالینش لاله اش پر پر شد
نعره ی جلادان در ظلمت این تلخ ترین شب ها را
که نوای الله اکبر را به گلوله پاسخ گفتند
چشم ها را می بندم و به خود می گویم
عمر بیداد بسی کوتاه است

تقدیم به تمام آزادگان این کره خاکی



In this piece of writing I want to take a look at some features of a utopia and also determine how many of them and to what extent are accomplished in our country. The features are the following:

1. Freedom of speech/expression: this is something which is so necessary for human beings. Everybody should have the right to freely express his/her opinions and talk about them with others. Now we want to see to what extent this is accomplished in our country. In my humble opinion, this has truly and completely been accomplished in our country. here one is free to express his/her opinions therefore one has freedom of speech BUT if one does so, he/she must not expect to remain free after that; he/she will probably be sent to a 5-star modern hotel in Darakeh hills. So we conclude that one perfectly has freedom of speech but nobody can guarantee him/her post-speech freedom. How fair! Other countries should learn from us!

2. Freedom of information: this is another aspect of a utopian society. Everyone has the right to access information freely. Now what can we say about our country? Bingo. You are right. This is completely accomplished in our country as well. When here one is free to access any source of information he/she wants especially when we have high-speed internet connections free of the least filtering. This means nothing other than freedom of information. The only thing one needs to know is that what one means by the word “want” is really controversial. On page 1853 in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English one can find the word “want”. The second meaning is: need [T]used to say that you need something or to ask someone firmly to do something for you. As you can see, to want means to need. Based on this fact I want to conclude that one can access any source of information he/she wants (needs).and who decides what you need and what you don’t? The answer is clear; those kind-hearted good-natured guys who dedicate themselves to filter and hack the unwanted useless websites. Consequently we can conclude that if one can’t for example access facebook.com or even Yahoo Chat, he/she doesn’t want it. (The latter meaning of want is intended.)

3. Freedom of the press: another aspect of a utopia is freedom of speech; something that includes freedom of the media to inform members of the society of the latest news and freely broadcast the news. This feature doesn’t require much explanation for it’s accomplished in Iran to the extent that one can’t find any other equivalent for it in the entire universe. Here, one is free to establish newspapers, NGOs and even create web logs. But one should also always bear in mind that nothing in this world is perpetual. If one’s web log for example is filtered just some few days after it’s been created, he/she shouldn’t be disappointed. He/she can create a new one and this cycle can continue indefinitely. if a newspaper is not allowed to be published anymore, be sure that it’s because of protecting the environments; so many trees must be cut down to make paper so that these junks can be published; therefore we understand that freedom of the press is completely accomplished in Iran.

4. Freedom of thought: everybody is free to think about whatever he/she wants and follow the ideas he/she wants. It’s obvious that here one has this right as well as the other ones. Again there is something to remember: one’s thoughts and opinions are the basis of his/her actions and one’s actions are the results of his/her thoughts and opinions. So one is free to think about whatever he/she wants but he/she must be careful because if he/she wants to act based on his/her thoughts, he/she would sometimes face some hard, wooden or metal devices like baton or chain. What we can conclude is that freedom of thought fully exists in our country.

5. Freedom of choice: the last thing I want to mention here is freedom of choice. Every human being is free to choose what he/she wants between different options; the thing to which most attention is given in our country and the thing which is protected, respected and accomplished more than other rights is this very right. The only thing that must be clarified is that one is free to choose what he/she wants and prefers between different options but it doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she can get what he/she has chosen. By this I mean that for instance the guys who are responsible to protect and count people’s votes would accidentally on purpose make mistakes. As an example, they would mistake “chee toz”for “chiz”.as we say in Farsi: “ensan jaiezolkhatast madarekesham mojude”

Conclusion: we’re living in a utopia and as A.N said when addressing his respectful, educated fans after the recent (s) election: “freedom exceeds 100% in our country” so mind your own business, enjoy your freedom and try to identify those guys with red lines around their heads who are shown on IRIB. And don’t give a shit about the
“Dust and soil” you see these days.

Dedicated to beloved A.N

Babies and Parents


When I want to talk or write about babies, I can't control my excitement. Babies are invaluable gifts our merciful God has granted us. They are pure, beautiful, cute and lovely; they bring with themselves an indefinite happiness to our lives. From the moment they are born, the parents' hearts become an ocean of love and kindness in which the love of baby (babies) inhabits forever. From the moment they are born, parents aren't just husband and wife anymore but they are father and mother-the words no dictionary has a true definition for.

Babies are really lovely especially when they are twins. Fortunately, I have the chance to be with twins because my uncle has twins; a beautiful, cute little girl and a cute, lovely little boy. They're just 11 months old now. Their names are Fatemeh and Mohammad Taha. Since I go to my uncle's house regularly I have the chance to be with these little angels. I cuddle them, sing songs for them, play with them, fondle and kiss them. You can't imagine how perfect it is when I play with them and fondle them and kiss them. You can't imagine how perfect it is when I play with them and fondle and kiss them.

Although being with babies is fun, it has its own difficulties as well especially for parents; parents can't sleep well at night because of the babies; they should cuddle them regularly and when babies begin to cry, the parents should be patient and try to use any trick they know to calm them even acting as a clown for them. Babies don't let you do your job or study and there are so many other difficulties. Our parents have passed all these difficulties successfully and they have made tireless efforts to raise us. We should always thank them for their patience and kindness in raising us.

At last, since tomorrow is Father's Day I want to say to all the fathers especially my father: " Happy Father's Day."

A Suggestion for Summer!


If you have not decided about where you want to travel to in summer,I have a good suggestion.Darakeh hills can be a peaceful and perfect destination for summer vacation.For reserving a hotel room you can call 113.Special discount for those who use green wristbands.